International Organization For the Study of
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
IOIBD is dedicated to share science and clinical practice related to IBD
Learn more about the organisational structure of IOIBD
Apply for IOIBD Grants to a maximum of € 50,000 or a Clinical Experience Exchange program of 60,000 USD
Our Mission is:
to promote the health of people with IBD worldwide by setting the direction
for patient care, education and research
International Organization for the
study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
The International Organization for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IOIBD) is the only international worldwide organization devoted to these chronic and sometimes disabling diseases involving different parts of the gastrointestinal tract.
The mission of the IOIBD is to promote the health of people with IBD worldwide by setting the direction for patient care, education and research. This is in particular the case for those countries where the diseases are just evolving. Task forces of IOIBD promote scientific developments by designing non commercial clinical studies. Grants are provided for innovative start-up projects and large scale trials not receiving funds otherwise due to lack of economic or political interest.
Travel grants are given to young scientists from countries with evolving IBD. The organization furthermore aims at developing clear definitions of the different manifestations of IBD as well as for the targets and endpoints of treatment in practice and research, in particular in clinical trials.
The long-term goal of IOIBD is to contribute to the elucidation of the cause of these still relatively new diseases and finally to the development of a causal and curative treatment, thereby making its existence unnecessary.
Latest News
Latest Newsletter, December 2023
Please find the latest news on IOIBD in the attachd PDF Newsletter. Enjoy reading, keep safe and be well. Iris Dotan, chair IOIBD 19. IOIBD Newsletter December 2023
Latest Newsletter IOIBD Summer 2023
We are happy to share the latest news on IOIBD - a vibrant society with global membership of top scientists and leading industry in IBD. Newsletter Summer 2023 We will start the registration process...
Stride-II listed as Top 10 Most Cited Articles Gastro
Congratulations Dan Turner, Axel Dignass and team! A great IOIBD collaboration and a very important project. Listed as Top 10 Cited Articles in Gastro. PIIS0016508520355724 - publication Gastro...
IOIBD Partners
Learn more about the organisational structure of IOIBD
Executive Committee
- Iris Dotan (Chair 2022-2025)
- David Rubin (Deputy Chair 2022-25)
- Marly Dubinsky (Scientific Secretary 2023-2025)
- Axel Dignass (Deputy Scientific Secretary 2023-2025)
- Pär Myrelid (Treasurer 2023-2029)
- Remo Panaccione (Member at large 2022-2024)
- Vineet Ahuja (Member at large 2023-2025)
- Silvio Danese (Organiser 2024 AGM Florence, Italy)
- Richard Gearry (Organiser 2025 AGM Auckland, New Zealand)
Board of Foundation
- Iris Dotan (current Chair)
- Marla Dubinsky (current Scientific Secretary)
- Pär Myrelid (current Treasurer)
- Maria Abreu (past Chair)
Nominating Committee
- Maria Abreu (Chair)
- Willem Bemelman
- Axel Dignass
- Uma Mahadevan
Publication Committee
- Corey Siegel (Chair)
- Anne Griffiths
- Gilaad Kaplan
- James Lewis
- Gerasimos Mantzaris
- Jürgen Schölmerich
Grants Review Committee
- James Lewis (Chair)
- Ashwin Ananthakrishnan
- Dermot McGovern
- Gerhard Rogler
Cluster chairs
- Globalization:
Richard Gearry, Gil Kaplan - Endpoints:
Axel Dignass, Walter Reinisch - Nutrition:
James Lewis, James Lindsay - PRO: Edouard Louis, Corey Siegel
- Stratification:
Dermot McGovern, Matthieu Allez
Our History
The International Organisation for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IOIBD) was formally constituted at a meeting held in Lyon in April 1981 which was hosted by Professor Louis Descos and Dr Claude Andre. A number of events had led up to this occasion. There had been an international IBD Workshop held in Cape Town in 1979, hosted by Professor Solly Marks and Dr John Wright, and then in June 1980 Professor Salvador Pena together with Professor Sir Christopher Booth and Dr Warren Strober organised another meeting near Leiden in Holland. One of the topical points for discussion was how to assess disease activity in patients with Crohn’s disease. This interest had been generated by the development and validation of the Crohn’s Disease Activity Index by the National Cooperative Crohn’s Disease Study Group in North America led by Dr John Singleton and Dr Bill Best. For the first time, this tool allowed a reliable way of providing a standardised way of assessing disease activity and made possible multicentre therapeutic trials in Crohn’s disease.

We must also remember that it was Dr. Truelove’s meticulous and well-designed clinical studies that showed, among other things, the utility of glucocorticoids in those suffering from acute ulcerative colitis — a treatment plan that has been unaltered since then.
IOIBD Scientific Secretariat
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3742 CN Baarn
The Netherlands